
UCLA cancer reseacher Dr. Roger Lo and his lab team
Dr. Roger Lo (right) with members of his lab team. Dr. 洛是皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康约翰逊综合癌症中心500多名医生和科学家之一,他们共同致力于预防癌症, treat and cure cancer.

Member Application and Guidelines

按以下按钮下载新会员申请表及会员指引 & 目标 (Adobe PDF format).

About UCLA Health Jonsson Comprehensive 癌症中心 Membership

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康约翰逊综合癌症中心的会员资格可能适用于所有皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的教职员工和合作机构的教职员工, 皇冠hga025理工学院. 会员必须对癌症和/或相关学科有主要的和生产性的兴趣, the ability and willingness to contribute to the 癌症中心, and an academic title in the Regular, 住校, Adjunct or Clinical Instructor series at UCLA or CalTech. Exceptions to this policy are considered on a case-by-case 基础. 申请成为癌症中心的会员是自愿的,意味着申请人同意中心对会员的期望(见下文)。.

癌症中心 membership is usually offered only in conjunction with prior departmental appointments; therefore, approval by the applicant's departmental chair is required.

申请人应在申请表上注明最适合其主要兴趣领域的癌症中心项目. The 癌症中心 currently operates six research programs:

如果申请人的兴趣不在癌症中心的研究项目中,则应在申请表上简要描述其与癌症相关的活动,以说明其情况. A limited number of members may be categorized as “Non-Programmatically Aligned”; however the majority of members will be assigned to 一个 of the above research programs most closely aligned with their research focus.

Application Review Process

最初的会员申请将由癌症中心的领导审核 正在进行的 基础. In addition, all membership is reviewed by 癌症中心 leadership on an 年度 基础. 在初始申请和年度审查过程中,可能会要求提供补充材料. Criteria for reviewing applications are included below. Applicants 必须 meet 至少 一个 of the Primary 评价 Criteria. 符合二级评估标准的申请人将获得额外考虑.

Primary evaluation criteria

  • Active peer-reviewed cancer-focused funding
  • 癌症-relevant publications during previous three years
  • Developing, leading, and accruing to cancer clinical trials
  • 初级研究人员正在开发一个早期癌症项目,前景可观

Secondary evaluation criteria

  • Leading cancer training programs/activities
  • 癌症-relevant national or community service, such as study sections, consultation to the NCI, voluntary assistance to cancer organizations, 等.
  • Services to the 癌症中心 through committee activities, community outreach and engagement activities, 等.

Benefits of Membership

  1. Participation in a highly collaborative cancer-research community
  2. 癌症中心共享资源和核心服务的优先访问和补贴率*
  3. 能够在癌症中心空间审查周期内申请研究空间
  4. Access to 癌症中心 临床研究 Unit
  5. 通讯工作人员协助皇冠hga025发布和媒体关系
  6. 通过皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校琼森癌症中心基金会协助筹款
  7. 参加癌症中心会议、务虚会、专题讨论会和其他活动
  8. 包括癌症中心的资助机会和其他更新的沟通
  9. 能够通过癌症中心校内奖励计划申请资助**


** Note: Under specifically defined circumstances, 非会员教师也可以获得癌症中心内部奖励项目的资助机会(参见种子基金和奖学金支持的单独指导方针)。.

Expectations of the 癌症中心

  1. Active participation in programmatic and center-wide activities
  2. Service to the 癌症中心 through participation on committees, community outreach and engagement activities, 正义, 股本, Diversity and 包容s activities, 和/或参加癌症培训和教育办公室的活动.
  3. All cancer researchers, whether members or not, 必须通过癌症中心正式的两阶段审查和批准程序提交他们作为主要研究者的拟议的临床癌症研究方案. 第一阶段是15个疾病现场组(dsg)之一,第二阶段是内部科学同行评审委员会(ISPRC)。. 只有通过这两个阶段正式审查过程的协议才能在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校开放. We are required by the NCI to peer review all clinical protocols.
  4. Adhere to the NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy as applicable, 包括临床试验中所有必要和适当的临床试验的注册.政府注册.
  5. 所有成员 必须 感谢癌症中心在出版物和演讲/媒体报道中给予的适当支持, 等. Include the following acknowledgement in appropriate publications:


  6. Adherence to the NIH Public Access Policy, 所有成员必须获得由NIH直接支持的所有同行评审手稿的PMCID, or received direct cost support from the 癌症中心 core grant (i.e., use of 癌症中心 shared resources or Intramural Awards Program funds).
  7. 根据要求,及时向癌症中心管理团队提供所有所需的文件,以便纳入年度癌症中心支持资助报告和提交.
  8. 所有接受癌症中心内部奖励计划资助的癌症研究人员, whether members or not, 必须 provide 年度 return on investment updates as requested.

Application Procedures

  1. 请仔细阅读这些会员指南,并特别注意会员的期望. 如有需要,可透过电邮(电邮地址:(电子邮件保护)).
  2. Complete the membership application form and all required attachments. Incomplete applications will be returned for completion before review. 会员申请须以电子方式递交至陈慧玲((电子邮件保护)).
  3. 每个申请将由各自的项目主任审查,并由癌症中心领导批准.
  4. 会员将通过电子邮件收到申请审核结果的通知. The review process will generally take about a month. Please contact Amanda Tan with any questions during the process.