Activate a Study

Virtual clinical trials

激活皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康约翰逊综合癌症中心的一项新研究需要癌症中心和企业范围内的研究批准步骤. 下面的指南提供了对癌症相关的介入性和非介入性研究的激活的见解. 非干预性研究包括但不限于观察性研究, ancillary/correlative, retrospective chart review, and specimen collection studies.


A study is cancer relevant if it is any of the following:

  • Studies sponsored by the NCI either directly or indirectly; OR
  • Studies with intent to treat, prevent, 诊断癌症或改善癌症患者的舒适/生活质量.Includes Epidemiologic/Observational/Ancillary-Correlative (e.g., Lab-based) studies that assess cancer risk, outcomes or therapy response; OR
  • Studies with a focus on cancer; OR
  • 研究对象主要是癌症患者
  • 协议描述捕捉癌症诊断作为数据点的研究
  • Studies where the inclusion criteria includes a cancer diagnosis
  • Studies where the protocol objectives or aims have a cancer focus

If a study is any of the types described above, 那么癌症中心将认为该研究与癌症相关,并在UCLA IRB的新研究申请中将该研究标记为癌症研究,并在CAFÉ上提交JCCC新研究申请.

To speak to someone about your specific study, email [email protected] 癌症中心临床肿瘤研究管理团队的人会联系你.

New Study Intake Form to Initiate DSG Review

癌症中心的研究启动从疾病位点组(DSG)审查开始. 要启动DSG审核,请确保您可以访问协议并提交一份 DSG Review Intake Form.

只有在得到癌症中心15个疾病现场小组之一的批准后, 该研究是否有资格在CAFÉ门户网站上提交JCCC DSMB/ISPRC申请.

JCCC DSG New Study Review Intake Form: Click here

New Study Application in CAFÉ to Initiate DSMB/ISPRC Review

The JCCC New Study application is submitted via the CAFÉ portal. 下面是帮助您访问和使用CAFÉ应用程序的提示表: 使用CAFÉ(综合辅助表格引擎)提交电子新研究的说明

Important notes:

  • CAFÉ应用程序只能从MEDNET网络内或通过VPN访问.
  • You login to the CAFÉ application with your AD credentials.
  • 在CAFÉ应用程序可以打开之前,研究必须有OnCore记录. If you have questions about your OnCore study record, email [email protected].

If you are unable to access the CAFÉ application, contact the Clinical Oncology Research Administration (CORA) at [email protected]. We are here to help.

Interventional Clinical Research Studies

干预性研究是指研究人员根据一项协议预先分配参与者接受特定干预措施的研究. 参与者可能会接受诊断、治疗、行为或其他类型的干预. The assignment of the intervention may or may not be random. 对参与者进行跟踪,并评估生物医学和/或健康结果.

如果一项研究的目的是改变治疗或干预的决定,那么该研究就是干预性的, methods of diagnoses or act as an intervention.

How to activate a UCLA clinical research study diagram

JCCC DSG New Study Review Intake Form: Click here

JCCC DSMB/ISPRC New Study Café application: Click here

A detailed workflow for interventional clinical studies:

How to activate a UCLA clinical research study workflow diagram

提供上述模式是为了帮助可视化DSG审查过程最适合癌症中心DSMB的哪些方面, ISPRC and enterprise-wide Study Activation Process. All activation steps are not included in this visual.

For Investigator- Initiated studies:

  • 如果一个概念被接受,但研究需要对协议进行修订,DSG有能力发出临时批准,并附带全面批准的条件, 统计分析计划或一些与研究设计或可行性相关的关键因素.

Non-Interventional Clinical Research Studies

All non-interventional clinical research studies, examples described below, require initial ISPRC evaluation, 因此需要提交JCCC新研究DSMB/ISPRC CAFÉ申请. 为了打开CAFÉ申请,您必须首先在IRB提交研究. See Important Notes below and this tip sheet.

Upon submission of a JCCC New Study DSMB/ISPRC Café application, 非介入性研究由ISPRC行政皇冠hga025和ISPRC联合主席审查,以确定该研究是否符合ISPRC豁免的条件. See ISPRC Exemption for more information.

Important notes:

  • 无需上传ISPRC豁免或批准通知即可提交IRB申请.
  • If you select Yes to Cancer Related in the IRB application, 然后在您提交研究的IRB新研究申请后24-48小时, the study should have an OnCore record automatically created.
  • 为了在CAFÉ门户网站上为该研究打开JCCC新研究DSMB/ISPRC申请,需要提供特定研究的OnCore记录.
  • To troubleshoot CAFÉ portal access issues see this tip sheet.

Non-Interventional Clinical Research Studies (Observational)

观察性研究包括关注癌症患者和健康人群的研究,不涉及前瞻性干预或改变参与者的状态. 在预先定义的参与者群体中评估生物医学和/或健康结果. The participants in the study may receive diagnostic, therapeutic, or other interventions, 但是观察性研究的研究者不负责为研究参与者分配特定的干预措施.

How to activate a UCLA clinical research study diagram

JCCC DSMB/ISPRC New Study Café application: Click here


Ancillary Clinical Research Studies that are stimulated by, but are not a required part of, a main clinical trial/study, 并利用主要试验/研究的患者或其他资源来生成相关信息. 辅助研究必须与一项正在进行的临床研究相关联,并且应该只包括该临床研究中累积的患者.

相关:利用标本评估癌症风险的实验室研究, clinical outcomes, response to therapies, etc.

How to activate a UCLA clinical research study diagram

JCCC DSMB/ISPRC New Study Café application: Click here



How to activate a UCLA clinical research study diagram

JCCC DSMB/ISPRC New Study Café application: Click here

For more information on how these terms are defined look here: