Diagnosis & Treatment

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皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心,你会有一个专门的肺癌团队在你身边的每一步. Call 310-267-9099 to connect with an expert.

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心,我们采用团队方式治疗肺癌. We focus on precision medicine根据每个肿瘤的特定遗传或分子因素来选择治疗方案. We bring together expert surgeons, 肺部专家和肺癌医师(肿瘤学家)为您制定最有效的治疗方案.

您将与专门的护理团队合作,个性化您的治疗计划的各个方面. Our comprehensive treatment includes lung surgery, 有针对性的治疗,获得最新的治疗方法和临床试验.

Lung cancer treatment: the UCLA Health advantage

作为美国国家癌症研究所(NCI)通过皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康约翰逊综合癌症中心指定的癌症中心, we treat every type and stage of lung cancer. 如果您信任UCLA健康中心对您的肺癌治疗,您可以期待:

Lung cancer expertise: 我们的肺癌团队只专注于胸部(肺和胸部)护理. 我们的医生是国家的领导者,他们帮助制定治疗和诊断肺癌的指导方针.

Nationally recognized care: We offer high-level lung cancer surgery and care. U.S. News & World Report 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校在肺外科和肺学(呼吸护理)专业排名前5位。.

Personalized treatment: We test every lung cancer tumor to study its DNA. 我们利用这些信息针对每种癌症采取最有效的治疗方法.

Remote care: If you live far away, 我们可以虚拟地处理您的术前检查-您只需要在手术时前往皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校. 我们与您家附近的肿瘤学家合作,他们可以遵循我们的护理计划并在当地为您治疗.

Compassionate support: 你会发现肿瘤学(癌症)护士导航员和专业护士在你身边的每一步. Our wide range of support services 让您在肺癌治疗期间和之后感到舒适.

Convenient locations: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校医疗中心在南皇冠hga025超过25个地点提供癌症治疗. 无论您住在哪里,我们都尽可能提供最好的护理. Find a cancer care location.

Lung cancer treatment at UCLA Health: our approach

At UCLA Health, we look at lung cancer care from every angle, while keeping you at the center of our focus. Our approach and process includes:

Thoracic Oncology Program (TOP) Tumor Board

我们汇集了代表肺癌治疗各个领域的专家团队. This dedicated team, called a tumor board, reviews your diagnosis, medical history and current health. 他们作为一个综合实践单位(IPU)一起工作,以精确医学为基础,根据您的需要制定治疗计划.

The tumor board includes:

  • Interventional pulmonologists, who diagnose and treat lung conditions
  • Medical oncologists, who use medicine to treat cancer
  • Pathologists, 谁在显微镜下观察肺和淋巴结组织
  • Radiation oncologists, who specialize in radiation therapy for cancer
  • Radiologist, who read imaging tests
  • Thoracic surgeons, who perform lung cancer surgery


作为患者,您将在我们的TOP诊所与您的肺癌团队会面. 我们提供虚拟TOP诊所(针对远程患者). 你将以团队的形式与专家会面,如果需要的话,还可以单独与专家会面. 诊所是您与您的护理团队携手合作,了解下一步的机会, discuss treatment options and ask questions.

Lung cancer treatment options

我们的肺癌团队根据每位患者的生活方式制定个性化的治疗计划, treatment goals and symptoms. Your treatment plan may include:

Lung cancer surgery

胸外科医生尽可能使用微创方法和最新的机器人或视频辅助胸外科手术(VATS)技术从肺部切除癌症,以缩短恢复时间. Learn more about lung cancer surgery.

Radiation therapy

放射疗法使用高能x射线杀死癌细胞或阻止它们生长. 我们提供最先进的放射治疗方法和个性化治疗. Learn more about radiation therapy for lung cancer.

Medical oncology

医学肿瘤学使用药物和其他试剂来发现和摧毁癌细胞. 我们检测每一个我们诊断出的肺癌,为这些癌细胞提供最有效的治疗. Medical oncology treatments for lung cancer include:

Interventional radiology

我们使用介入性程序为不适合手术或放射治疗的患者提供姑息(舒适)护理和治疗选择. 我们经过专门训练的介入放射科医生会做一个小切口,然后使用小的, 用于治疗的中空管(如导管和内窥镜)包括:

  • Cryoablation, which uses extreme cold to kill lung cancer cells
  • Draining fluid, which alleviates shortness of breath
  • Radiofrequency ablation (RFA), which heats the tumor to destroy cancer cells
  • Removing small tumors, which opens lung airways

Learn more about UCLA Interventional Oncology.

Interventional pulmonology for lung cancer

肺癌及其治疗通常会影响胸部的其他部位, 包括气道和胸膜(覆盖肺部和胸腔的薄组织层). 我们的专家介入肺科医生和胸外科医生执行先进的, 微创手术诊断气道和胸膜问题. 只要有可能,他们就提供治疗.

Learn more about airway procedures and pleural procedures for lung cancer.

Lung cancer clinical trials

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心进行的癌症研究直接影响到病人的护理. In addition to standard treatment, 您的护理团队将尽可能为您提供参加临床试验的机会. 您将有机会获得新的和创新的肺癌治疗和疗法. 了解更多有关肺癌研究和临床试验的信息.

Request an appointment

To schedule an appointment, call 310-267-9099 or fill out our appointment request form.