
护理扩展计划提供各种领导机会和职位, 哪些超出了标准的皇冠hga025志愿服务. These opportunities are exclusively available to current Care Extenders and provide a chance to get more involved with the program and work closely with volunteer staff members. It is important to note that these opportunities do not replace the mandatory number of shifts in your department and are in addition to the 250 required hours to complete the program. 



  1. Qualify for a Letter of Recommendation: If you maintain good standing in the committee for 两次或两次以上的旋转,你将有资格获得推荐信.
  2. Get More Involved in the CE Program: Committees offer a great opportunity to learn more about how the Care Extender program works and to start working with the staff of the CE program.
  3. Receive Priority Preferences within Your Class: As an active member of the committee, 您将获得每次轮换的优先级偏好, 不包括跟踪.

请注意,委员会轮班不能代替皇冠hga025轮班, as committee shifts are an additional commitment on top of your regular Care Extender responsibilities.


招生培训委员会目前正在接受申请. 如果您有任何问题或疑虑,请发邮件给Sanjana Somepalli (电子邮件保护).


The 招生及训练委员会 (ATC) is responsible for serving as readers for ATC committee applications, 促进面试过程, 并协助培训日. 在面试中, ATC成员将负责登记申请人, taking photos, 维持人群控制, 提出健康要求, 并回答申请人可能提出的任何问题. 虽然ATC成员不进行采访, there are numerous opportunities to learn about the interview process and interact with program staff. Additionally, 航管中心成员将与培训协调员紧密合作,共同筹办培训日, 包括开会回顾职责和协助培训日.



  • 在面试轮班之间总共完成8-12小时(暂定)
  • 在训练日完成总共5小时的训练
  • 做至少2个旋转


  • Build Professional Relationships: Committee members will have the chance to build professional relationships with program staff, 委员会成员, 甚至可能是未来医疗领域的同事.
  • 培养沟通和领导能力:作为委员会成员, 你将负责支持和协助招生过程, which can help you develop valuable communication and leadership skills that will be useful in any career path.
  • Network with Admissions Staff: Committee members will have the opportunity to network with admissions staff, 谁能就职业道路提供指导和建议, 应用程序进程, and more.
  • 双倍工作时间:委员会成员加班将获得双倍工作时间, 对于希望获得更多经验的学生来说,哪一点特别有帮助.


皇冠hga025协调员助理(DCA)委员会的申请目前已截止. 如果您有任何问题或疑虑,请发邮件给Michelle Chen (电子邮件保护). 


The primary duty of a DCA is to assist Care Extender staff members in maintaining the quality of the Care Extender program by performing "sweeps" at either the Ronald Reagan Hospital or the Santa Monica Hospital. 在扫描期间, you will visit a specific set of hospital departments at a particular shift time to ensure that everything is running smoothly. You will be responsible for verifying that scheduled Care Extenders are attending their shifts and in proper uniform. Additionally, you will gather comments and suggestions for specific departments and for the overall program from both the Care Extenders and the hospital staff members.



  • Perform a total of 10 quality sweeps per rotation, which takes about 30 minutes each
  • Submit each sweep using an online submission form, which takes about 10-15 minutes each


  • 了解医院操作:作为DCA, you will have the opportunity to learn about hospital operations and gain insight into how a hospital runs on a day-to-day basis. This experience can be particularly valuable for students interested in pursuing a career in healthcare administration.
  • 获得质量控制经验:通过执行质量检查, you will be required to pay close attention to detail to ensure that the department is running smoothly and that all Care Extenders are being supported. 这种对细节的关注在任何职业道路上都是一项宝贵的技能.
  • 与医院员工的网络:作为DCA, you will have the opportunity to interact with hospital staff members and build professional relationships. This can be a valuable networking opportunity for students interested in pursuing a specific career in healthcare.
  • 两小时:如前所述, 委员会成员加班将得到双倍的工作时间, 对于希望获得更多经验的学生来说,哪一点特别有帮助. 每次轮换大约需要20-25小时, 这可能是相当多的额外经验.


招聘委员会的申请现已截止. 如果您有任何问题或疑虑,请发送电子邮件至Nozaneen Arshady (电子邮件保护)


The 招聘委员会 is made up of Care Extenders who help recruit new applicants for the CE program by promoting the program at various schools and publicizing on variety of platforms. The work that you do in this committee will be essential to the quality of the program, since you will be the ones ensuring that the CE program gets a diverse and excellent group of fresh recruits. 委员会成员推广该项目的一些方式包括给教授发电子邮件, 参观他们学校的就业中心, 在教室和俱乐部会议上做公告, 在招聘会上做广告,发传单. Keep in mind that the time committed to the 招聘委员会 is extra time on top of your own volunteering shifts.


  • 平均每周投入2-4小时


  • 发展沟通及外展的技巧:作为委员会成员, you will gain valuable experience in communicating with diverse audiences and promoting an organization's mission. These skills will be applicable to any future healthcare career that involves interacting with patients, families, or colleagues.
  • Build relationships with healthcare professionals: By attending career fairs and making announcements in classrooms, you will have the opportunity to connect with healthcare professionals and learn more about their career paths. This could be particularly helpful for pre-health students who are still exploring different healthcare specialties.
  • Make a tangible impact on the community: By recruiting new volunteers for the CE program, you will be helping to ensure that patients at UCLA Health receive high-quality care from compassionate and well-trained volunteers. This sense of purpose and impact could be particularly fulfilling for pre-health students who are seeking opportunities to make a positive difference in the world.
  • Strengthen your application for healthcare programs: Serving on the 招聘委员会 demonstrates to admissions committees that you have leadership skills, 对皇冠hga020电脑版服务的承诺, 并且愿意超越你的基本志愿要求. 这可以加强你申请医学院的能力, 护理程序, 或者其他医疗相关项目.