The Men's Clinic at UCLA


Male patient at urologist's office
杰西·N. 米尔斯博士
杰西·N. 米尔斯博士

Why choose 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 for men’s health care?

Through The Men’s Clinic at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康, we treat all types of conditions that affect men’s urologic, 性, and reproductive health. 我们的目标是积极改变男性与医疗保健服务的互动方式.  

许多男性直到50岁才开始定期进行前列腺癌筛查. But there are many health issues that can occur before age 50. When you choose 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 for urology services, you are choosing:  

Established experience: 我们的专家在泌尿科和男性性健康和生殖健康保健方面拥有多年的经验. 我们提供最高质量的护理,并进行了数千次手术,成功率很高.

Comprehensive treatment: We partner with multiple specialists, such as cardiologists, 内分泌学家 and dietitians to provide all the specialty care you may need.

Increased access to care: 为了增加所有患者的访问权限,我们通过安全视频连接提供门诊访问. Telehealth provides patients with more options for accessing their care, including completing a visit from the comfort of their own homes.


我们提供全面的服务,旨在优化男性的健康保健. 我们的服务 include:  


In the United States, 专家估计,大约有1500万男性睾丸激素水平低(性腺功能减退)。. Low testosterone can affect multiple aspects of your life, from a decrease in fertility to loss of libido to lack of concentration.

Our specialists offer individualized treatment plans for low testosterone. We offer every type of testosterone therapy, including oral medications, 凝胶, injections and implanted long-acting pellets.


我们有多个重点领域来提高男性和有外部生殖器官的个体的生育能力. These services include:

Cancer fertility management: 我们与肿瘤学家和生殖内分泌学家合作,确保被诊断患有癌症的男性了解生育风险和治疗方案. We offer several fertility preservation and treatment options, including sperm banking and assisted reproductive technology.

Cystic fibrosis fertility treatment: 囊性纤维化是一种遗传性疾病,可导致输精管(输送精子的管道)恶化, 甚至在出生前. 通过男性诊所,我们为患有囊性纤维化的男性提供生育治疗. 经常, 我们可以使用一种叫做显微手术附睾精子抽吸的技术直接从睾丸中提取精子.  

Male fertility evaluations: 专家估计,多达三分之一的夫妇因男性不育而难以怀孕. 在男士诊所, 我们进行全面的生育评估,以找到生育问题的根本原因. 你的生育能力评估可能包括血液检查、精液分析或超声波检查.   

精液分析: 我们提供独立的内部,具有成本效益的精液分析与当天的结果. 我们会立即给出结果,这样我们就可以在您离开诊所之前讨论合适的治疗方案. 我们有时使用一种叫做DNA碎片指数的测试来确定精子是否是反复流产的原因.

Spinal cord injury fertility: Spinal cord injuries often interfere with ejaculation; but in many cases, a man’s sperm production is still typical. We use a variety of strategies to retrieve sperm for fertility treatments. If you have a spinal cord injury, 你可能适合进行宫内人工授精(IUI)或体外受精(IVF)。.

Trans-female fertility evaluation:底性别肯定手术及激素肯定治疗前, 如果跨性别女性决定成为亲生父母,她们可以提供精子样本冷冻起来供以后使用.

Penile rehabilitation

前列腺切除术后出现勃起功能障碍是非常常见的。. Without assistance, full recovery can take one to two years. Through our clinic, we offer treatments to facilitate quicker recoveries.

你可能需要口服药物、注射疗法或真空勃起泵. 这些泵有助于改善血液流动,使前列腺癌患者恢复性功能. 


性健康 is commonly difficult to discuss. 但在晚年性生活活跃的男性往往活得更久,也更有成就感.

We encourage men to discuss medical issues such as erectile dysfunction, diminished libido (sex drive) and other challenges. 我们的专家是治疗性健康和生殖健康问题的专家. 事实上, 我们在男性生殖疾病的临床和外科治疗方面取得了全国的认可, 性, and hormonal conditions.

Men’s health conditions we treat


Benign prostatic hyperplasia: 随着男性年龄的增长, 他们的前列腺会增大,引起尿流减慢等泌尿系统症状, increased frequency and getting up frequently at night to urinate.

Ejaculatory dysfunction: Orgasm and ejaculation are complex hormonal, 心理和神经过程和男性可能会遭受射精过快或延迟射精和缺乏性高潮. Many times, there is a medical solution for ejaculatory disorders.

Erectile dysfunction: Inability to get or maintain an erection long enough for 性 intercourse.

水囊肿: 阴囊内的一种肿胀,当液体聚集在睾丸周围的薄鞘中时发生.

Hypogonadism (low testosterone): When your body doesn’t produce enough testosterone (male sex hormone).

佩罗尼氏病: When scar tissue inside the penis leads to a painful, curved erection. 截至2013年,FDA批准了治疗这种使人衰弱的疾病的药物疗法. 一些男性也可以从先进的手术技术中受益,以提高他们的生活质量.

前列腺炎: 前列腺(产生精液和精子的小腺体)发炎和肿胀.

精子囊肿: A common growth that develops right above or behind the testicle.

精索静脉曲张: 睾丸不适和男性生育问题的最常见原因之一是精索静脉曲张. 精索静脉曲张是睾丸周围异常肿胀的静脉,可以通过微创显微外科手术治疗.

Treatments urologists offer

我们所有的治疗都旨在改善生活质量以及性健康和生殖健康. Some of the primary treatments we offer include:

Testosterone replacement therapy: Taking androgens (male hormones) to treat conditions such as hypogonadism.

精子提取: Procedures to take sperm directly from the testicles for fertility treatment.

输精管切除术: 切断或封闭输精管(输送精子的管道)以防止怀孕.

输精管切除术逆转: Reconnecting the vas deferens to enable pregnancy.

Microsurgical varicocelectomy: Removing swollen or enlarged veins in the scrotum (varicocele).

Penile implant surgery: A procedure to implant a device designed to help a man achieve erection.

Testicular implant surgery: 一个由生理盐水制成的假睾丸,外观和触感都很逼真.

Xiaflex: A medication that is used to treat 佩罗尼氏病. 它是一种酶(溶组织梭菌胶原酶),可以分解疤痕组织中某些类型的胶原蛋白. Xiaflex治疗的目的是软化或溶解你的阴茎斑块, resulting in an improvement in the shape deformity.


我们的男性生殖医学和外科专家有多年的识别经验, 诊断, and treating all types of men’s health conditions. 我们采用先进的治疗方案,并与多位专家合作,提供全面的护理.


呼叫 310-794-7700 to request an appointment with a urologist at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康.


We provide men’s health care in one convenient clinic. To learn more about our services, call 310-794-7700.