Additional Resources

Find your care

We provide targeted care for pediatric, adult and geriatric patients. Call 800-825-9989 or 310-825-9989 to learn more about our psychiatry services. 

For Patients

SHARE! Self Help-

Depression Bipolar Support Alliance-

Alcoholics Anonymous-

Marijuana Anonymous-

Narcotics Anonymous-

For Patients and Family Members/Supports

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)-

Mental Health America-

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)-

National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Other Related Disorders-

National Eating Disorders Association

International OCD Foundation-

Teen Line-

Borderline Personality Disorder support groups for individuals and family members-

Behavioral Tech offers on-line resources and information for borderline personality disorders

For Family Members/Supports

Positive Parenting: 123 Magic-

Autism Speaks-

Alzheimer’s Association-

Family Caregiver Support Programs-

Al-Anon (including Alateen)-

Additional Resources/Support Organizations