Preparing For Your Child's Hospital Stay


无论您的孩子是我们的病人还是有家人在医院, 儿童生活专家 can help.

呼叫 310-267-9440 to learn more about 儿童生活专家 at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康.

医院 can be a confusing place for a child. 为孩子们在医院里可能遇到的事情提前做好准备将会减少他们的焦虑. 这也会帮助他们应对和信任你和他们在医院遇到的人.

Since it's inception in 1968, Chase 孩子的生活 Program has been a pioneer, and a national model for how to appropriately address the social, emotional and developmental needs of each child and his/her family. 儿童生活专家认识到与疾病有关的发展问题, support coping strategies to reduce fears, and concerns through education, 行为管理, 适应性角色扮演. 儿童生活专家可以在医疗程序之前为您的孩子做好准备. 有关让儿童生活专家为您准备孩子的更多信息, contact Chase 孩子的生活 Program, 310-267-9440(电子邮件保护).

Tips for Preparing a Child at any Age

  • 对于年龄更小的孩子(5岁以下),在体验前一两天和他或她谈谈. 大一点的孩子应该有几天到一周的时间来获取信息和提问.
  • Be careful not to force a discussion if your child does not seem ready.

  • 要诚实. 如果你不知道答案,告诉你的孩子你不知道,但你会发现的.

  • Use words the child will understand.

  • 鼓励孩子讨论自己的感受,并就即将到来的体验提出问题.

  • 让你的孩子在医院里装上他或她想要的东西吗. Some children may be able to wear their own pajamas to sleep in, but depending on the medical situation, some children may be required to wear hospital pajamas.

  • 询问由Chase儿童生命计划提供的院前准备.

  • 在住院前、住院期间或住院后,孩子的行为发生变化并不罕见. 儿童对住院治疗和医疗程序的反应会有所不同, 取决于他们的年龄, the procedures to be done, and their past experiences.

Preparation for Parents and Caregivers

  • 首先做好准备:
    • 了解自己对住院治疗的感受和看法.
    • Don't be afraid to ask for help. Identify who can help you or who are your support systems.
  • Gather information before speaking with your child:
    • Talk about your feelings together with your child
    • Provide honest information
    • Get the answers to your questions. Encourage your child to ask questions
    • Learn about tests, procedures and treatment planned for your child
    • Talk with the doctor about the plan for treatment
  • How to talk to your child:
    • You know your child the best
    • Talk openly and honestly with your child
    • Answer your child's questions with the following in mind:
      • Age and developmental stage
      • 个性
      • Past experiences with medical encounters
      • Understanding of the illness

Tips for Preparing Siblings 

  • Possible Issues for Siblings:
    • Separation from caregivers and sibling(s)
    • Change in familiar routines
    • Feelings of guilt related to thoughts about their ill sibling
    • Fears or misconceptions regarding hospitalization
    • Decrease in attention from caregivers
  • Possible Regressive Behaviors from Well Child:
    • 少吃少说
    • Showing withdrawing behavior
    • Acting out in a way to get more attention
    • Giving outburst of storing up feelings
    • Returning to behaviors of an earlier age

Tips for Preparing Infants

  • Possible Issues for Infants:
    • 改变常规
    • 饮食限制
    • 睡眠模式的改变
    • 流动的限制
    • Separation from caregivers
    • Unfamiliar environment and people
    • Possible interruption of typical development (e.g., learning to sit up, crawl, stand)
  • 如何帮助婴儿:
    • Bring familiar items from home (e.g. blankets, stuffed animals, pacifiers, soothing music, pictures)
    • Create a plan for consistent caregivers
    • Keep routines as normal as possible

Tips for Preparing Toddlers

  • Possible Issues for Toddlers:
    • 改变常规
    • 饮食限制
    • 睡眠模式的改变
    • 流动的限制
    • Separation from caregivers
    • Unfamiliar environment and people
    • Possible interruption of typical development
      • 厕所训练
      • Learning to talk and walk
  • 如何帮助蹒跚学步的孩子:
    • 等到入院前1-2天再和你的孩子说话(孩子很难理解时间的概念,如果过早告诉他们可能会开始担心)
      • Keep explanations and language simple
      • Reassure your child that you will be with him whenever possible
    • Bring familiar items from home (e.g., blankets, stuffed animals, sippy cups, music)
    • 允许你的孩子选择他/她最喜欢的东西带到医院(这会给孩子一种控制感)
    • 对你的孩子要有耐心(小孩子退步,变得挑剔或粘人并不罕见)。
    • 试着提供安慰和支持,同时保持你的纪律方法的一致性
    • Provide your child an opportunity to participate in healthcare play (e.g.“医生的工具箱”)
    • Read books about going to the hospital

Tips for Preparing Preschoolers

  • Possible Issues for Preschoolers:
    • 改变常规
    • 饮食限制
    • 睡眠模式的改变
    • 流动的限制
    • Separation from caregivers
    • Unfamiliar environment and people
  • How to help Preschoolers:
    • 在住院前3-5天与学龄前儿童交谈(重要的是给他们足够的时间来处理信息), but not too much time to allow for misconceptions to develop)
    • Use simple terms and concrete explanations without too many details
    • 用孩子熟悉的词语描述身体部位和功能
    • 开诚布公地和你的孩子交谈(如果小孩子觉得自己也参与其中,他们更有可能维持一种信任关系)
    • 给你的孩子一个提问和澄清误解的机会
    • Encourage your child to talk about their feelings
    • 向孩子保证他/她没有做任何导致住院的事情, procedure or surgery (he/she did not do anything wrong)
    • Let your child help choose familiar favorite items from home (e.g., blankets, stuffed animals, music, toys, books, DVDs)
    • Create a plan for consistent caregivers
    • Provide your child an opportunity to participate in healthcare play (e.g. play with a "doctor's kit")
    • Read books about going to the hospital (e.g. books with pictures of medical equipment)

Tips for Preparing School Age Children

  • Possible Issues for School-Age Children:
    • 改变常规
    • 饮食限制
    • 睡眠模式的改变
    • 流动的限制
    • 离开学校的时间
    • Time away from sports and activities
    • Separation from peers and caregivers
    • Unfamiliar environment and people
    • 感觉想家
    • 丧失独立性
  • How to Help Your School-Age Child:
    • 住院前1-2周与学龄儿童交谈(重要的是要给他们足够的时间来处理信息), but not too much time to allow for misconceptions to develop)
    • Talk to your child openly, 诚实而简单地说(如果这个年龄段的孩子觉得自己参与了经历和决策过程,他们更有可能保持一种信任的关系)
    • 了解麻醉、疼痛、外观变化等., to prepare for questions your child may have.
    • 向你的孩子解释为什么这个过程、手术或住院是必要的. Discuss fears or concerns.
    • 提供一个提问的机会,表达他/她的感受.g., what questions do you have about the hospital? What are you wondering about with your procedure?)
    • 和你的孩子谈谈如何与朋友分享他即将到来的住院
    • 和你孩子的老师谈谈,制定一个计划来弥补遗漏的作业(住院超过10天的病人可以有学校老师)。
    • 鼓励你的孩子关注手术、程序或住院治疗的长期好处. 关注积极的一面.
    • 鼓励他或她帮忙打包他或她最喜欢的东西, be sure his or her favorite items are included (e.g.(最喜欢的毯子、枕头、拖鞋、玩具、书籍、音乐、掌上电子游戏、笔记本电脑)
    • 为始终如一的护理人员制定计划(制定不同时间段可以在医院工作的人员的时间表)
    • 给你的孩子一个参与医疗保健的机会——通过提问和参与基本的讨论

Tips for Preparing Adolescents 

  • Possible Issues for Adolescents:
    • 改变常规
    • 饮食限制
    • 睡眠模式的改变
    • 流动的限制
    • 离开学校的时间
    • Time away from sports and activities
    • Separation from peers and caregivers
    • Unfamiliar environment and people
    • 感觉想家
    • 丧失独立性
    • 丧失隐私
  • How to Help Your Adolescent:
    • 一旦你计划录取,就和你的青少年谈谈(给他们足够的时间来处理这些信息是很重要的), but not too much time to allow for misconceptions to develop)
    • Talk to your child openly, honestly. 如果青少年觉得自己参与了经历和决策过程,他们更有可能维持一种信任的关系.
    • 建立开放的沟通,让青少年可以询问有关程序或住院治疗的问题
    • 和他/她谈谈如何与同龄人分享即将到来的住院经历
    • 鼓励他/她帮忙打包行李,以确保他/她最喜欢的东西都在里面.g., pillow, slippers, books, music, games, laptop)
    • 为始终如一的护理人员制定计划(制定不同时间段可以在医院工作的人员的时间表)
    • 与你的孩子的老师沟通如何跟上学校的工作(如果你的孩子预计停留时间超过10天,学校老师可以提供)
    • 为她提供参与医疗保健的机会——鼓励她提出问题并参与决策.
    • Plan ways for her to keep in touch with peers.