Heart & 心血管服务

我们的心脏病专家和专家已经证明是世界级的, 心血管综合护理25年以上.



The UCLA Division of 心脏及血管服务 has been providing the most advanced, 超过25年的世界级心血管护理. 我们在全国心脏病学排名第九,由 U.S. News & 世界报道.


心脏护理领域的领导者: 当病人选择皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心, they benefit from working with leaders in the various cardiac fields. We have among the largest heart transplant and lung transplant programs in the country. And, we are a leading center in treating and managing heart failure.

高级手术选择: 我们使用微创和机器人手术技术, including robotic heart valve surgery and surgery for cardiac arrhythmias. We are experts in surgical treatment for thoracic aortic aneurysms and aortic dissections.

致力于研究: Our dedicated research teams keep us at the forefront of new and promising treatments. 患者可以获得先进的、领先的治疗方法.

Sub-specialty专长: A range of specialized clinics offer targeted treatments for patients with complex conditions. Our services include everything from heart disease prevention to women’s cardiovascular services, 微创手术和心脏移植.

方便的位置: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 offers general and specialty cardiac care in more than 10 位置 在大洛杉矶地区. 这意味着您可以随时在家附近接受世界级的护理.


我们的医生团队, 高级实践提供者, 心血管专家, nurses and other health professionals provides comprehensive cardiovascular care. 我们的服务包括:


我们治疗一系列心脏疾病. Our experts lead clinics that offer targeted treatments for specific heart conditions. 我们的一般心脏病服务的亮点包括:

Ahmanson/UCLA成人先天性心脏病中心: This facility is the first and one of the largest of its kind in the United States. We are a major training and research facility and have achieved national accreditation as a Comprehensive Care Center by the Adult Congenital Heart Association (ACHA). 

主动脉中心: The vascular surgeons in the 主动脉中心 were the first on the West Coast to perform an advanced heart surgery technique called endovascular aortic aneurysm repair. Since then, 我们演出了超过2场,200 endovascular aortic repairs. Experts also provide medication and lifestyle recommendations to help patients manage aortic problems.

心律失常中心: We run one of the most comprehensive arrhythmia treatment programs in the country. Patients of all ages with heart rhythm disorders have access to expert treatments. These treatments include a new procedure called cardiac sympathetic denervation for patients who do not respond to medication.

介入性心脏病学: Interventional cardiologists use catheter-based procedures to operate through tiny incisions. Catheters can be used to both diagnose and treat diseases in the heart and blood vessels. 我们的导尿管实验室24小时开放以应对紧急情况, 我们的专家在临床护理方面处于领先地位, 教育和研究.

妇女心血管中心: 而心脏健康通常被认为是男性的问题, heart disease is the leading cause of death in women in the United States. The UCLA 妇女心血管中心 provides comprehensive women’s cardiovascular care in one convenient location. We also educate and conduct research in women’s cardiovascular care, 目标是降低风险,预防疾病.  


When our 心血管专家 need to learn more about a patient’s heart condition, we refer patients to one of our clinics for cardiac testing or noninvasive imaging. 我们使用最先进的MRI和CT技术进行影像学研究. 我们还提供一系列心脏检查, 包括动态心电图监测, 成人和儿童心电图(ekg). 我们还有一个专门为心脏起搏器患者开设的诊所.


我们的心脏外科医生提供一系列的治疗, and our outcome rates put us at the top in the nation for cardiac care. 心脏手术服务包括:

ECMO程序: Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is a treatment that does the work of the heart and lungs for critically ill patients. Our ECMO survival rates meet and exceed the national averages and we use advanced forms of treatment designed to minimize possible complications.

心脏移植项目: Our 心脏移植项目 is one of the busiest and most successful programs in the nation. To date, 我们演出了超过2场,000 adult heart transplants and more than 300 pediatric transplants. Only 5% of our adult patients experience donor heart rejection, compared to the 25% national average.

血管手术: We use the latest technology and treatment approaches for conditions that affect the circulatory/vascular system. This system includes the vessels that carry blood throughout the body. 我们的专家提供全面的护理, from nonsurgical treatments to endovascular surgery — minimally invasive procedures to treat problems in the blood vessels.  



心绞痛: Artery narrowing that restricts blood flow and causes chest, arm, neck, stomach or jaw pain.

心律失常: 心律过慢、过快或不规则.

充血性心力衰竭: 当你的心脏停止有效地输送血液时.

冠状动脉疾病: 当血管到达你的心脏, 也就是冠状动脉, 狭窄,不能再为心脏提供足够的血液.   

心内膜炎: A life-threatening inflammation of your heart’s lining, called the endocardium. 

心脏病: 当血凝块阻塞了流向心脏的血液.

高血压(高血压): A chronically high force of your blood against your artery walls that can lead to heart disease and stroke.


Our heart and vascular specialists are leaders in clinical care, 教育和研究. We treat heart and cardiovascular conditions with advanced techniques and excellent outcome rates.


Call 310-825-9011 to request an appointment with a cardiovascular specialist at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康.


The UCLA cardiovascular team cares for all types of heart and vascular conditions. Call 310-825-9011 与心血管客户护理专家联系.