
Established in 1976 the UCLA 儿童神经内科住院医师 Program has graduated nearly 40 Child Neurologists.  The program is known for clinical excellence, innovative research and outstanding teaching.  Our comprehensive curriculum can be tailored to the specific interest and talents of each trainee providing the flexibility and guidance to pursue careers within a broad spectrum of child neurology. 我们项目的骄傲始于我们的教员, which is an outstanding close-knit group of professionals dedicated to making this an enjoyable place to train and providing the absolute best education possible for our trainees.


  1. Provide the education so that the trainee is competent in all diagnostic and therapeutic areas of Child Neurology so that he/she may practice independently.
  2. 使受训者熟悉基础科学知识, translational and clinical research and provide the skills and mentorship to undertake a research project.


The UCLA Pediatric Epilepsy Center is a comprehensive multidisciplinary center specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of all types of pediatric epilepsy.  诊断程序包括:视频脑电图遥测, MRI, PET, PET/MRI融合研究, fMRI, 神经认知测试, Wada和皮质电图.  Therapies include pharmacological, surgical (including VNS) and diet therapy management. Each week patients being considered for surgery are presented in front of a multidisciplinary team including: neurologists, 成人和儿童癫痫学家, 神经外科医生, 神经心理学家, 神经放射学家和神经病理学家.

体育脑震荡 & 创伤性脑损伤项目
At UCLA, our approach to traumatic brain injury (TBI) is three-pronged. 我们提供临床护理, 临床和基础科学研究并重, 参与皇冠hga020电脑版外展和教育. Clinically, we have a multidisciplinary approach to sport-related concussion and pediatric TBI. Our 体育脑震荡 clinic treats athletes participating in all levels of competitive sport participation, 从学龄儿童到专业水平. Our pediatric TBI clinic provides care for children with all severities of traumatic brain injury, and any persistent neurological and/or cognitive issues including headache, 学校的困难, seizures, etc. Our patients can receive comprehensive neurological exams and/or brief pencil and paper neuropsychological testing with a licensed neuropsychologist. For our athletes, we also provide computerized 神经认知测试 at baseline and follow-up. 我们有一个包括脊柱专家的转诊网络, 整形外科医生, 初级保健运动医学, neurorehabilitation, 和神经影像学. Our clinic provides multidisciplinary neurological and neuropsychological care to current and former professional athletes as well as Iraq and Afghanistan military service members through Operation Mend.

In conjunction with the Brain Injury Research Center (BIRC) we also perform outreach, educating the community about traumatic brain injury and sports concussion. 我们有面向整个皇冠hga020电脑版的教育课程, 体能训练师, 学校管理人员, 和其他医生在小型讲座和大型研讨会上. BIRC还支持我们儿科TBI项目的研究皇冠hga025, 对创伤性脑损伤和癫痫的动物模型进行研究, 内分泌的问题, 重复伤害. From a clinical research standpoint we are currently participating in the multi-institutional National 体育脑震荡 Outcomes Study following athletes of all ages after injury. We are also investigating neuroimaging and neuropsychological correlates of symptoms after TBI of all severities.  

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校饮食疗法项目提供低碳水化合物, high-fat ketogenic diet and modified Atkins diets for the treatment of medication resistant epilepsy.  Children on these special diets are carefully supervised by a nurse practitioner and ketogenic dietitian so as to provide maximal seizure benefit while ensuring that children meet their nutritional needs for proper growth and development.  Prospective diet therapy patients are carefully evaluated for metabolic conditions, 医学并存病, and dietary restrictions which may be incompatible with a high fat diet.  饮食开始后, close monitoring for side effects and nutritional deficiencies is provided through frequent outpatient visits and blood tests for nutritional deficiencies. 但必须密切监测患者潜在的副作用, for some children with intractable epilepsy diet therapy can provide a more tolerable and/or effective alternative to standard seizure medications. 

The UCLA 结节性硬化症综合项目 is a Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance-designated clinic and one of the largest programs in the Western United States. The program provides a multidisciplinary approach to clinical care for children with tuberous sclerosis complex, and offers many clinical research studies and clinical trials to advance the knowledge and care of this rare genetic condition. 在临床服务方面, 我们专注于诊断和持续评估, 还有医学疗法, 手术治疗, 以及生酮饮食的评价和治疗. Our research specifically focuses on (1) identifying biomarkers for the development of epilepsy, (2)识别自闭症发展的生物标志物, (3) improving epilepsy surgery outcomes for tuberous sclerosis complex, (4) tsc相关癫痫和肿瘤的临床试验. For more information on clinic care or active research studies, please email (电子邮件保护) 或拨打皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校TSC热线310-206-4037.

The 婴儿痉挛项目 represents UCLA's cohesive union of research efforts and clinical care for children with Infantile Spasms. 在临床服务方面, 我们专注于诊断和预后评估, 以及常规药物治疗, 生酮饮食疗法及评价, 癫痫手术. Our research specifically focuses on (1) standardized treatment protocols using prednisolone, ACTH, 和氨己烯酸, (2) the use of quantitative EEG measures to better characterize infantile spasms and predict outcomes, (3)手术治疗婴儿痉挛的效用, and (4) the identification of genetic and other clinical predictors of treatment response. 更多信息请参见: http://infantilespasmsproject.org