
根据我们的经验, 与会者分享了许多共同的问题, 以下是我们的回答. 您也可以在我们的网站获取英语或西班牙语版本的常见问题手册 参与的位置.

Questions and answers are also available as PDFs in: 英语 | 西班牙语 | 阿拉伯语 | 波斯语 | 普通话 | 朝鲜文

Pediatric questions and answers are available as PDFs in: 英语 | 西班牙语


  • For questions related to your rights as a research subject, contact the UCLA Office of the Human Research Protection Program, at 310-825-5344.
  • 一般性问题, or, to learn how to navigate the consent application, 请致电皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校普遍同意小组 310-794-0981.
  • 更多信息或问题,关于 ATLAS基因筛选计划,请致电 310-780-1333 或者给团队发邮件 (电子邮件保护)


A biological sample is any bodily fluid or tissue (e.g., 血, 唾液, 尿液, 当你去看医生或进行医疗程序时,可能会收集到的皮肤或其他组织. 更多的 often, these samples are collected to help diagnose or monitor your health condition. 

After being used, anything that’s left over is thrown away or destroyed. 如果你允许的话, 这些剩余的材料将被送往皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校生物银行进行研究,而不是被扔掉.


The UCLA Biobank collects biological samples from as many people as possible. It then codes the samples and removes any information that could identify you. 然后生物银行发送样本, 还有一些你的健康信息, to approved researchers who will use the information to find new ways to prevent, 检测和治疗健康问题.


No. 您的普遍同意决定(选择是否捐献您的生物样本)不会影响您的临床护理. 适用于18岁以上的患者, if you say YES to the collection of an additional 血 tube and/or 唾液 sample, the clinical staff will need to know in advance in order to collect the additional sample. 不管你做什么决定, it will not affect your relationship with 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 or the services you are receiving.


适用于18岁以上的患者, having an extra tube of 血 (up to 2 teaspoons), 或者在某些情况下是唾液, 为多种研究目的提供了足够的体积,并允许对剩余样品进行某些不可能的研究.


我们将从你将来在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康实验室进行的常规临床实验室工作中收集一些生物样本. 如果你允许的话, 我们可以:1)使用任何未来在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康实验室进行的常规实验室工作中剩余的生物标本, 2)收集一管额外的血液,作为将来抽血或在常规就诊时静脉注射的一部分, 3)如果你在一家为精准医疗收集样本的诊所,收集唾液.

*You will not need to undergo any additional needle sticks, tests or procedures.




Your samples may be used for a variety of research purposes (e.g., cancer, heart disease, diabetes) and for product development.


  • 遗传研究: Your sample may be used to study how genes affect health or respond to treatment. Genes contain pieces of DNA that control how our cells and bodies develop and work. The DNA code is what you inherit from your parents and pass on to your children. 研究人员可以使用多种方法, 包括全基因组测序, 来观察你的部分或全部DNA密码.
  • 科学数据库研究人员还将关于你和你的健康状况的遗传和其他不可识别的信息放入其中, along with information from their research studies, 进入科学数据库. This increases knowledge and can make future research discoveries happen more quickly.
  • 其他的用途研究人员可能会使用您的样品来创建对研究或临床治疗有用的新产品. Your sample may include cells that can be made to grow indefinitely in the laboratory, 称为“细胞系”,” or your sample could be used to develop or test new treatments.


只有通过皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校研究审查程序批准的研究人员和研究项目才能收到研究样本. 大多数样本将交给皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的研究人员, but we may also choose to share samples with researchers from other universities, 政府研究人员和私营公司的研究人员致力于开发新的测试或治疗方法.

Will I get any results from research done with my samples?

你不会得到任何结果,除非你让我们知道你想要得到遗传结果. The research community will not know who you are, 但皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校生物银行将能够与你的医疗团队合作,只有在有可能影响你护理的结果时才通知你.

Please know that there is often a delay of months to years before a result is available. If you do not want to be notified of any results, 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校将出版一份通讯,提供从样本中获得的新发现的总体信息. 如果有任何结果返回给你, 一位遗传咨询师可以亲自或通过电话为您提供有关结果的更多信息.

如果你或你的医生担心你的身体状况需要进行基因检测, we encourage your doctor to order a clinical genetic test to get you answers sooner. Please know that this does not substitute the need for a clinical genetic test.


你不会因为捐赠样品而被收费,你也不会因此收到任何钱. If there is commercial value, it will belong to UCLA and its collaborators. 如果有新产品,你将不会得到报酬, tests or discoveries result from any research performed with your samples.


Your samples will be used to advance science and better understand specific diseases. In the past, some UCLA samples have developed new treatments for serious diseases. 未来的研究发现可能会为患者提供更个性化的治疗——这是皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校精确健康的主要目标.


没有物理风险. 有人能获得将样本与你联系起来的信息的可能性很小. 因为只有你有你独特的基因构成, 关于你祖先的信息, 种族群体或其他患有你的疾病的人可能会被确定并与你的样本联系起来.

你的健康记录中的信息也有可能被意外泄露. 目前, 只有大型的州和联邦机构才有能力根据完整的DNA档案来识别个人. We can’t predict how future technology might affect confidentiality.


Some people may have moral, religious or cultural concerns about some kinds of research.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校将删除你的名字和其他可以识别你的信息,然后再分享你的样本进行研究. 名称列表和匹配的代码编号将与编码样本和数据分开保存. 只有皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的授权员工才能访问此列表. 那些从事研究项目的人将无法获得任何将你的样本与你联系起来的信息.

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The samples are kept in locked freezers in locked buildings. All information is kept secure on password-protected computers located behind a firewall.

Researchers who study your samples will not know who you are. The Biobank will only give them a code number without any identifying information. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心及其生物银行必须遵守州和联邦法律以及皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校要求保护您信息的政策. 生物银行只会向其他合作者提供有限的信息,而且这些信息都不会包括身份信息.

The Biobank has a Certificate of Confidentiality by the National Institutes of Health. 这张证书能防止皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校在任何民事案件中泄露你的身份信息, 刑事, 行政, legislative or other proceeding whether at the federal, 州或地方层面.

无论你是选择分享你的剩余样本还是捐献额外的一管血液和/或唾液样本用于研究,你的隐私都会得到保护. If you would like to be contacted for future research, 然后,我们可能会与您联系,以获得其他研究机会,这些研究机会可能与您提供的生物样本有关,也可能与之无关.

您的标本和有关您的信息受到联邦保密证书的保护. 这意味着我们不能因任何法律诉讼而被迫公布您的标本或有关您的信息, 即使法庭要求.

该证书允许我们将您的标本和有关您的信息用于本研究, or to disclose it for other research when allowed by law. 该证书要求其他研究人员也保护标本和我们与他们分享的信息.

这种保护是有限度的. The Certificate does not protect your information when:

1. You or your family voluntarily share information about yourselves.

2. You agree to the specific release of information (for example, 如果你签了雇佣合同, 保险或医疗).

3. A federal agency audits or evaluates research that it funds.


Your participation in the UCLA Biobank is voluntary. If you agree to participate but change your mind, we will honor your request. To make sure you have the time to think over your decision carefully, 从您签署同意书到您的样本可供研究人员使用有10天的窗口期. Even after the 10-day window, you can still change your mind at any time.

To stop the use of your sample or health information in a study, 您可以回到您第一次填写同意书的地方更改您的同意决定. You may also stop the use of your sample or data by contacting the Biobank at 310-825-4136.

适用于18岁以下的患者, 我们只能在病人的父母或监护人与生物银行联系的情况下,通过电话撤回同意书.

Any researcher who received your samples will be asked to destroy them. Please note that we cannot get back any samples that have already been used by researchers.

For any questions related to your rights as a research subject, contact the UCLA Office of the Human Research Protection Program at 310-825-5344.

一般性问题 or to learn how to navigate the consent application,请致电 310-794-0981.

更多信息或问题,关于 ATLAS基因筛选计划,请致电 310-780-1333 或者给团队发邮件 (电子邮件保护)