
皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 pediatric urologists provide comprehensive care for conditions affecting the urinary tract. We offer a precise diagnosis so we can deliver effective treatments to your child.

Doctor talking to mother with baby son wearing protective medical mask at clinic


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心, our specialists are highly skilled at addressing the unique urological needs of children. We combine unparalleled expertise with advanced technology to deliver world-class care. 我们课程的亮点包括:

Multispecialty团队儿科泌尿科医生与肾脏科医生密切合作, 放射科医生, 整形外科医生, endocrinologists and other specialists to provide care for children with urologic conditions. 我们定制每一个治疗方案,并专注于全面的护理. 你的孩子有一个专家团队致力于他们的幸福.

专门照顾儿童: Many urologic conditions affect only children or affect children differently than adults. That’s why it’s essential to seek care from doctors who understand the unique needs of kids. Pediatric urologists at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 devote 100% of their practice to the care of children.

专业诊所皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的克拉克-莫里森儿童泌尿外科中心, our team offers specialized urologic care for children with spina bifida and other spinal cord abnormalities. Pediatric urologists and specialists come together at the 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 Spina Bifida Clinic to help children with this condition become independent adults.

微创手术技术我们的儿科泌尿科医生是最先进的, 微创技术来治疗各种疾病. We use robotic and endoscopic surgery techniques designed specifically for children. These approaches allow us to operate with exceptional precision while reducing post-operative pain and recovery time.

手术后的高级护理我们与儿科医院的医生合作, pediatric anesthesiologists and Child Life specialists to ensure that your child receives excellent care while recovering from surgery. 提供几种疼痛控制选项, 包括全身麻醉, 区域和脊柱麻醉和非麻醉替代品, 我们在整个术后过程中都关注您孩子的舒适. Our goal is to help your child recover as quickly as possible in an environment that focuses on the unique needs of children.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心, your child receives personalized care, from diagnosis throughout treatment. 因为泌尿系统疾病会累及肾脏, 膀胱, 生殖器, 神经和几个身体系统, 多专业团队专注于您孩子的护理. 我们自豪地提供:


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的儿科泌尿科医生使用最新的检测方法, 评估一系列泌尿系统问题的影像学研究和程序. We work closely with 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 genetics and maternal-fetal experts to diagnose congenital (from birth) abnormalities as early as possible, 有时甚至在子宫里. 早期和准确的诊断使我们能够提供及时和有效的治疗.


We’re skilled at performing robotic surgery procedures on children as young as 6 months old. These groundbreaking techniques require smaller incisions with less recovery time while achieving the same excellent outcomes as traditional surgery. 作为尖端外科手术的领导者, 我们的专家使用达芬奇®机器人手术系统. 这种微创方法使用微型相机和小型工具.

我们也擅长内窥镜手术. 我们经过了一个漫长的, thin tube with small cameras through the urinary tract to reach the stone or other area that requires treatment. 这些程序允许无需手术切口的干预, 这意味着孩子们通常可以在同一天回家.

Our team includes pediatric anesthesiologists who are specially trained to deliver general anesthesia to children during minimally invasive procedures. These doctors provide a higher level of safety and comfort to children who need surgery.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 pediatric urologists collaborate with multiple pediatric hospitals to better understand rare conditions and improve pediatric care. We’ve joined The Western 小儿泌尿外科 Consortium and the Pediatric KIDney Stone Care Improvement Network (PKIDS) to pioneer new treatments and make current therapies more effective.

我们的皇冠hga025处于创新的前沿, with ongoing research in the laboratory and in the clinics to improve pediatric care both now and in the future. 了解更多关于皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康儿科泌尿学研究.


Our doctors have deep knowledge of urologic conditions and how they affect children specifically. 我们治疗各种问题,包括:


先天性异常(出生时出现的问题): Some of these urological conditions include hydronephrosis (swollen kidneys due to urine collecting in the urinary tract) and hypospadias (abnormalities of the penis).

性发育差异(DSD): We partner with experts in several specialties to treat all differences in sex development. DSD有几种类型. These disorders can cause abnormalities in a child’s reproductive organs or sex chromosomes. Some children are born with 生殖器 that are atypical (not clearly male or female).

肾结石当某些物质进入肾脏时,肾脏就会形成晶体或结石, 比如钙, 积聚起来,不要随尿液排出体外. 肾结石会影响儿童和婴儿. 在儿童中,它们通常是由于饮食中含有过多的盐.

神经性膀胱功能障碍: This condition happens when a child doesn’t have control over the 膀胱 (urinary incontinence) due to problems with the nerves, 脊髓或大脑. 神经源性膀胱可由多种情况引起, including spina bifida (when the spinal cord doesn’t develop properly before birth).

睾丸问题: We treat common conditions that affect the testicles and the scrotum (the bag of skin that surrounds the testicles). These conditions include undescended testicles (testicles remain inside a baby’s abdomen at birth) and varicocele (swollen veins in the scrotum).

膀胱输尿管的回流当尿液从膀胱流出时,就会发生这种情况. 而不是离开身体, urine flows to the ureters (tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the 膀胱) or to the kidneys. 膀胱输尿管的回流 can cause urinary tract infections (UTIs) and damage the kidneys.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心, our pediatric urologists specialize in delivering customized treatments based on your child’s age, 健康和症状. 取决于诊断, 你的孩子可能需要药物治疗, 微创手术或传统外科手术. We work as a team with specialists across 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 to ensure that every treatment is customized and focused on your child’s well-being.

如果您的孩子需要手术,您可以信任我们的专家团队. Using the latest techniques, our team is specially trained to meet the unique needs of children. 我们支持你和你的家人的每一步.


我们团队的每一位医生都接受过儿科泌尿科的奖学金培训. 作为该领域的专家, we have served in leadership positions on the American Urologic Association and the Society for 小儿泌尿外科. 我们与多个皇冠hga025的专家合作以确保协调, 全面照顾您的孩子.


呼叫 310-794-7700 联系皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的儿科泌尿科医生.


采用以病人和家庭为中心的方法, 我们诊断和治疗所有影响泌尿道的疾病. 呼叫 310-794-7700 联系儿科泌尿科专家.

美国皇冠hga025最佳儿童医院2023-24 -泌尿外科
请看米. Sturm博士展示了机器人手术如何提高儿科泌尿外科手术