
Our h和 surgeons use state-of-the-art tools 和 techniques to offer each patient the best chance for an optimal outcome.



Our H和 Center is a multispecialty collaboration between our h和 surgeons in 骨科手术整形和重建手术. 我们擅长诊断, treating 和 rehabilitating patients who have h和 injuries or disorders.


协调护理: At the first visit, each patient meets with a h和 surgeon 和 undergoes specialized testing. From there, we coordinate care with any other necessary subspecialists, such as 放射科医生, 风湿病专家, 神经学家 or 儿科医生. You meet with all these specialists in one convenient visit.

改进的结果: Our team works with multiple specialists 和 offers specialized h和 clinics to optimize outcomes. For example, we have a dedicated h和 therapist who works with patients after surgery. You return to the same center for h和 therapy, increasing ease of access 和 care coordination.

排名靠前的护理: The 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 emergency center is a Level 1 trauma center where we treat patients with h和 injuries. We also provide care at outpatient h和 clinics. Our h和 specialists constantly work to improve care, especially for difficult diagnostic or reconstructive cases.


Our h和 surgeons work with multiple experts to offer specialized consultations for:

儿童先天性手部畸形: This team includes a h和 surgeon, pediatrician, 遗传学家, social worker, occupational therapist 和 prosthetist. We offer comprehensive diagnosis 和 surgical reconstruction.

手关节炎: 手外科医生, h和 therapist 和 rheumatologist work side-by-side to evaluate patients with arthritis. We help restore function through medical treatment, splinting or surgical reconstruction.

周围神经损伤及臂丛: Our h和 surgeons 和 神经学家 work together to diagnose 和 treat patients with peripheral nerve injuries of the shoulder, 手臂和手. We may offer nerve grafting or tendon transfers.

手腕疼痛: H和 surgeons 和 放射科医生 work closely to offer a full spectrum of imaging techniques. We perform a comprehensive evaluation to find the source of wrist pain 和 offer treatment to bring relief.


We perform all types of h和 surgery for complex 和 traumatic injuries, including:  

混乱: Occurs when one of the 手腕或手 bones is forced out of its usual position, potentially damaging surrounding tissue 和 nerves

伸肌腱损伤: Injuries to the b和s of connective tissue that run along the top of the h和 和 wrist, often caused by a cut on the back of the h和 or a jammed finger

屈肌腱损伤: Injuries to the b和s of connective tissue that run across the wrist 和 palm, often caused by a cut on the palm side of the forearm, 手腕或手

骨折: Any break in the bones of the forearm, 手腕或手

周围神经损伤: Damage to the nerves that carry information between the brain 和 the arms 和 h和s

We also care for patients with ongoing (chronic) conditions, including:

关节炎: Inflammation 和 tenderness in one or more joints, possibly caused by an autoimmune disease (rheumatoid arthritis) or cartilage deterioration (osteoarthritis)

腕管综合征: 压迫正中神经, which runs through the passageway in the wrist 和 palm side of the h和 (carpal tunnel)   

先天性手部畸形: Any irregularity in the h和s or fingers that’s present at birth

肘管综合征: Compression or stretching of the ulnar nerve, which runs from the elbow through the fore手臂和手

Dupuytren挛缩: Gradual thickening of the skin in the palm of the h和, eventually leading to one or multiple fingers contracting toward the palm

桡骨隧道综合征: Compression of the radial nerve, which starts in the neck 和 runs through the arm

肿瘤: Masses of irregular cells that grow uncontrollably 和 can be cancerous (malignant) or noncancerous (benign)


我们的手外科医生使用先进的 techniques that promote excellent outcomes. 我们提供的手术包括: 

截肢: 去除手指或手的全部或部分, often to keep a life-threatening infection from spreading

骨折修复: 用针固定骨折的骨头, 螺丝, plates or rods to hold the bone in place while it heals

Microsurgical replantation 和 revascularization: Reattaching an amputated h和 or finger 和 restoring blood flow

针aponeurotomy: Straightening bent fingers due to Dupuytren’s contracture

神经减压: Making an incision in a ligament to release pressure on nerves

神经移植: Repairing a damaged nerve by taking a healthy nerve 和 rerouting it to the damaged one

肌腱转移: Repairing a damaged tendon by replacing it with a working muscle 和 tendon from elsewhere in the body

腕关节镜检查: Inserting a tiny camera inside the wrist joint to examine or operate on tissues


我们的手外科医生使用先进的, leading-edge techniques to treat a full range of h和 injuries 和 conditions. 我们提供急诊和门诊服务, coordinating with multiple specialists to comprehensively care for patients.


呼叫 310-319-1234 to request an appointment with a h和 surgeon at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康.


Our h和 surgeons treat patients with traumatic injuries 和 chronic conditions. To learn more about h和 surgery at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康, call 310-319-1234.
