小儿眼科 & 斜视

Our research-driven team offers comprehensive care for eye problems in children. 我们治疗儿童和成人的眼睛错位.



The 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 specialists in pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus provide comprehensive care for a full range of eye problems in children. We also treat children and adults with conditions that affect eye alignment and eye movement. Our team is part of the 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 Stein Eye Institute and Doheny Eye Centers, which U.S. 皇冠hga025 & 世界报道 眼科护理在全国排名第五.


研究重点: Our specialists participate in research that brings new opportunities and treatments to patients. 例如, we developed special imaging techniques in partnership with the National Institutes of Health. During this 32-year study, we discovered new features of eye muscles and other eye socket structures. 我们还发现了新的病症,比如眼睛下垂综合症. Multiple research grants from the National Eye Institute support our laboratory and clinical research. Our physicians regularly provide expert consultation to scientific and medical journals, and to private and governmental research funding organizations both nationally and internationally.

医生的专业知识: 我们是治疗有复杂需求的患者的首选地点, including strabismus as a complication of sinus surgery or retinal detachment surgery. Our physicians include the former vice president of the International 斜视 Association, a trustee for the Association for Research and Vision in 眼科学 and the principal investigator for the nationwide 小儿眼科 Investigators Group (PEDIG). We have the expertise to treat babies and others who can’t communicate their needs, 包括唐氏综合症和自闭症患者.

先进的治疗方法: We regularly perform the most complex strabismus surgeries, often guided by advanced MRI scans. Our surgeons are among only a few in the world who perform corneal transplants in children. We have also pioneered techniques to perform sensory nerve transplants to the cornea.

Multispecialty护理: 我们与多位专家密切合作,包括 眼眶和眼科整形外科医生青光眼外科医生和 角膜疾病外科医生. 我们也与颅面外科和 眼科基因 团队. 一名骨科医生和儿科医生 验光师 扩大医疗服务的可及性.

儿童环境: 我们皇冠hga025的每一个方面都是为孩子们量身定做的. We have playhouses in the waiting room; movies, stuffed animals and toy puppets in exam rooms; a lactation and diapering room; and half-size toilets in the restrooms. These features mean that every family who steps foot in our offices knows we specialize in pediatric care, 同时也为成年人提供了一个舒适的环境.

培训和教学: 我们是一个主要的教学中心,在国内和国际. 我们培训来自美国和美国的医学生和来访的眼科医生.S. 和国外. Our faculty lecture regularly at international medical meetings and serve as visiting professors at major medical centers worldwide. 我们也作为医学教科书的作者做出贡献, 经常描述皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的发现. This educational focus is yet another way our faculty remain at the leading edge of knowledge and best practices.


The physicians in the 小儿眼科 and 斜视 Division provide comprehensive care for a wide range of eye problems. 我们的主要护理领域包括:


我们在温暖友好的环境中提供儿科眼科护理. Our specialists perform advanced treatments rarely found elsewhere in the region, 如小儿角膜移植手术及复杂斜视手术. 我们研究新技术并不断带来最新的成果, 对我们的儿科患者来说是最有效的治疗选择.   


Our specialists are experts in treating all types of eye misalignment in adults and children. Years of experience allow us to care for patients with the most complex needs, such as those who develop strabismus after retinal detachment surgery and complicated sinus surgery. 我们使用最新的先进技术提供全面的护理, 许多是由我们的眼科医生首创的.


We treat a full range of conditions that affect eye alignment and vision, including:

弱视(弱视): 由于早期眼睛发育不当导致视力下降, often causing the appearance of a wandering eye or eyes that don’t work in tandem

复视: 只有一个画面却看到了两个

眼球震颤: 不自觉的眼球运动, 有时被称为“跳舞的眼睛”,通常以重复的左右或上下模式出现

视神经炎: Inflammation of the optic nerve, which sends visual information from the eye to the brain

早产儿视网膜病变: An eye disease in premature babies resulting from irregular blood vessel development in the retina, 眼膜眼睛后面的一层组织 

斜视(斜视或斜视): 眼睛指向不同的方向, often due to health problems that affect eye muscles or surrounding ligaments


泪道堵塞: 眼睛泪液排泄系统的部分或全部阻塞

蜂窝织炎: 眼睑或眼睛周围的细菌性皮肤感染

睑板腺囊肿: 也被称为“风格”,在眼睑上生长的痛苦的红色肿块

结膜炎(红眼病): Inflammation or infection of the thin clear tissue (conjunctiva) that lines the inside of the eyelid

泪显(童年撕裂): 流泪过度流泪,常发生在婴儿身上

上睑下垂: 上眼睑不规则下垂


许多眼疾对非手术治疗有效. 我们的专家会建议: 

眼镜: 你的孩子可能需要戴眼镜或隐形眼镜来改善视力. 

眼药水: Medicated eye drops may treat allergies, infection, inflammation and other problems.

注射: Medication injected directly into the eye can treat retinopathy of prematurity by blocking blood vessel overgrowth.

激光治疗: Light energy can also treat retinopathy of prematurity by removing unhealthy tissue around the retina.

补丁: Your child may need to wear an eye patch over one eye to strengthen eyesight in the other. 贴片常用于治疗弱视或眼睛错位.

棱镜眼镜: 这些镜片治疗复视. Specially designed eyeglasses with a prism bend light before it reaches the retina.


儿童白内障手术: 眼科手术摘除浑浊的晶状体(白内障), 在适当的时候, 用人工晶状体代替以改善视力.

角膜神经化(神经移植): Eye surgeons either redirect forehead nerves or use nerve grafts from other parts of the body to restore sensation in the cornea. 

角膜移植: Eye surgeons remove damaged or diseased portions of the cornea and replace them with donated corneal tissue.

斜视手术: Eye surgeons tighten or loosen certain eye muscles to correct eye misalignment.


Our specialists are national leaders in pediatric eye care and strabismus treatment. We continually study new treatment options and use advanced techniques to improve patient care.


呼叫 310-206-7479 to request an appointment with a pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus specialist at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康.


To learn more about our services in pediatric ophthalmology and adult strabismus care, call 310-206-7479.