
Our specialists provide multidisciplinary, 个性化的 care for patients with combined 心脏和肝脏疾病.

Translucent illustration of body displaying heart and liver
心脏和肝脏疾病 - Fontan Physiology

Why choose 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康's 心脏和肝脏疾病 Program?

The UCLA Combined 心脏和肝脏疾病 Program (UC-HeLP) is a multidisciplinary effort to treat patients who have both 心脏和肝脏疾病.

The effects of heart disease on other organs can be profound. Doctors are increasingly understanding that certain types of heart disease can severely affect liver function. This awareness has spurred our experts to better understand, diagnose and manage combined liver and heart conditions. 

Additional highlights of UC-HeLP include:

多学科治疗: Multiple specialists work together on each patient’s care plan. We meet to review each surgical or transplant case and discuss preoperative challenges, care coordination in the operating room and postoperative treatment. This collaboration means we create a 个性化的 心脏和肝脏疾病 治疗plan based on each patient’s needs.

Streamlined transplant evaluations: When patients need a heart transplant, 肝脏移植或两者兼用, we have a streamlined evaluation process. We aim to reduce as many logistical burdens as we can to create a seamless care journey for patients and their families.

注重研究: Our doctors conduct research to ensure that we are constantly advancing the field of 心脏和肝脏疾病 management. We have developed best practices in caring for both progressive cardiac and liver disease as well as liver cancer.

专业培训: Our specialists train their colleagues, 研究员, 护士, and other care providers to improve their understanding of combined heart and liver conditions. We also lead an annual educational symposium focused on 心脏和肝脏疾病 and transplantation. 


通过 Ahmanson/皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 Adult Congenital 心 Disease Center, we have a dedicated survivorship program for patients who have undergone a type of open-heart surgery, 呼叫ed a Fontan operation. 

Almost all patients who have had a Fontan procedure experience liver congestion and fibrosis that may lead to liver failure. 通过这个项目, specialists from multiple disciplines work together to help patients with the highest risk of combined 心脏和肝脏疾病. 


Patients who choose us benefit from a coordinated, team approach to care while 接收 心脏和肝脏疾病 治疗. The UC-HeLP care team includes specialists in: 

  • 麻醉学 
  • 急救护理 
  • 心 disease (cardiology) 
  • 心脏移植手术 
  • 传染病 
  • Kidney disease (nephrology) 
  • Liver disease (hepatology) 
  • 肝移植手术 


Our experts care for patients who have heart conditions that affect the liver. Many of our patients are diagnosed with: 

  • Chronic right heart failure: When the right side of the heart does not pump blood to the lungs as efficiently as it should.
  • Congenital heart disease: Problems with the heart’s structure that are present at birth. 
  • Single ventricle defects: When one of the two lower heart chambers (ventricles) is not developed enough or strong enough to work correctly. 
  • 肝脏疾病: Any loss of or interruption to liver function. 
  • 肝纤维化: Scarring in the liver that leads to loss of liver function.  
  • 肝衰竭: When liver damage is beyond repair and the liver can no longer function.  


We coordinate with multiple specialists to ensure that each patient receives 个性化的 care. Patients with both 心脏和肝脏疾病 may require an organ transplant, including: 

  • 心脏移植: Surgery to replace the heart with a donor one. 
  • 肝移植: Surgery to replace a failing liver with a donor one. 
  • 心-liver移植: Surgery to replace both organs in one operation. 


The UC-HeLP team includes multiple collaborating specialists. They provide expert patient care, conduct research and train other specialists in 心脏和肝脏疾病 treatment.    


呼叫 310-825-9011 to request an appointment with a specialist at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康.



We offer targeted, expert treatment for patients with both 心脏和肝脏疾病.
To learn more about the UCLA Combined 心脏和肝脏疾病 Program,
呼叫 310-825-9011.