

Woman's head and shoulders
Female face

Why choose UCLA Health for dermatology?

We understand that a skin disease can be distressing. At UCLA Health, 我们的皮肤科医生和皮肤科外科医生在富有同情心的环境中提供先进的护理.

When you choose UCLA Health, you will experience:

Nationally ranked care: 我们的皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康临床医生在皮肤病学方面获得了委员会认证. 许多人还接受过儿科皮肤科的专业培训, 美容皮肤科或显微外科及皮肤肿瘤学(Mohs). 每年都有几位皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的皮肤科医生被评为顶级医生 U.S. News & World Report.

Comprehensive services: 我们为所有类型的皮肤状况和问题提供全面的护理,包括医疗和美容. We also offer pediatric dermatology services, and work closely with pediatric specialists in immunology, rheumatology and more.

Convenient locations: 我们的医学、外科和美容皮肤科专家提供多种服务 locations throughout the greater Los Angeles regions. 这意味着您可以随时在家附近接受世界一流的专业护理.

Access to the newest treatments: 我们的专家进行美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)资助的研究. 这些研究推动了皮肤学领域的发展,并为您提供了最有前途的新治疗方法. 这些研究人员和医生教育下一代皮肤科临床医生.

Our areas of care

我们的皮肤科医生和皮肤科外科医生有广泛的专业领域,以确保您有机会获得最好的护理,为您的具体问题. Major areas of care include:

Medical dermatology: 我们的团队包括训练有素的,国家认可的皮肤科医生和研究人员. 我们为皮肤、头发和指甲的所有状况提供诊断和治疗. 

Pediatric dermatology: Our pediatric dermatologists specialize in skin, hair and nail conditions that affect newborns, infants, children and adolescents. 我们与其他专科医生密切合作,以了解过敏等情况如何影响您孩子的皮肤. 儿科皮肤科医生治疗痤疮、特应性皮炎和牛皮癣等疾病.

Dermatologic surgery: 我们提供多种选择来去除和治疗皮肤癌, including Mohs micrographic surgery and surgical excision. 我们的皮肤科外科医生与肿瘤学家密切合作,为您提供个性化服务, comprehensive treatment.

Cosmetic dermatology: 我们的专家提供治疗,帮助你改善和提高你的皮肤. 我们使用微创技术,比如化学换肤, 微晶磨皮和肉毒杆菌注射,帮助您实现您的目标.

Medical dermatology specialty clinics 

你可以在我们的普通皮肤科诊所或专科诊所预约. 我们所有皮肤科诊所的专家都提供有针对性的个性化护理.


  • Acne Clinic for moderate-to-severe acne.
  • Contact Dermatitis Clinic for skin rashes.
  • Hair and Scalp Disorder Clinic for dandruff, lice, ringworm and other concerns.
  • Melanoma Clinic 对于那些患有或处于黑色素瘤(皮肤癌)高风险的人.
  • Pigmented Lesion Clinic 对于有痣或个人或家族黑色素瘤病史的人.
  • Psoriasis Clinic 用于治疗皮肤上的鳞状斑块,称为牛皮癣.


  • Acquired Blistering Disorders (Immunobullous Disease) Clinic for conditions that cause chronic pus-filled skin lesions.
  • Autoimmune Skin Disease Clinic for the treatment of autoimmune diseases.
  • Hidradenitis Suppurativa Clinic to treat hidradenitis suppurativa, a rare skin disorder that causes cysts in the armpits, under the breasts or near the groin.
  • Solid Organ Transplant Clinic 对于器官移植后患皮肤癌风险增加的患者.

Conditions we treat


  • Acne: 一种皮肤状况,导致充满脓液的肿块,黑头或白头.
  • Eczema: Itchy, flaky, inflamed patches of skin.
  • Herpes simplex and herpes roster (shingles): Infections that cause painful skin rashes and blisters.
  • Melasma: 一种色素沉着障碍,会导致你脸上的斑点变色.
  • Psoriasis: 一种引起皮肤细胞积聚并形成鳞状、发痒斑块的疾病.
  • Rosacea: 一种炎症性皮肤状况,导致面部发红和可见的血管.
  • Skin cancers: Cancers caused by exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays, such as basal cell carcinoma, melanoma and squamous cell carcinoma.

Treatments we offer


Acne treatment

Treatment for acne may involve:

  • Oral medications: Such as antibiotics or hormonal birth control.
  • Topical (skin-based) treatments: 比如类维生素a、洗剂或抗生素乳膏或软膏.

Cosmetic dermatology treatments

美容皮肤治疗可以帮助你的皮肤看起来更加容光焕发和年轻. Common options include:

  • Botox® injections: To improve the appearance of wrinkles or fine lines. 
  • Chemical peels: 用化学溶液去除表层皮肤,露出健康的一面, more youthful layers underneath.
  • Laser skin resurfacing: 使用安全的,有针对性的激光来剥去你皮肤的表层.
  • Laser vein treatments: 使用激光来缩小和减少扩张静脉的可见性.
  • Microdermabrasion: Small crystals that exfoliate your top layer of skin. 
  • Microneedling: 小针扎可以改善痤疮疤痕的外观, wrinkles, stretch marks or scars from an injury. 
  • Photofacial rejuvenation: 光的波长,治疗太阳损伤和减少毛孔的外观, discolored spots or fine lines.

Skin cancer treatment

Treatments for skin cancer may include:

  • Cryosurgery: 使用液氮等冷冻剂来破坏皮肤生长. 
  • Curettage and electrosurgery: 用锋利的工具刮擦组织,并施加电流以完全去除皮肤病变.
  • Mohs micrographic surgery: 分阶段切除皮肤癌,同时保持健康组织的完整.
  • Photodynamic therapy: 在皮肤上涂抹特定的化学物质,用光来治疗癌前病变或癌变.
  • Radiation therapy: 有针对性的高能射线,消除,破坏或减缓癌细胞的生长.
  • Surgical excision: 切除:为了检查或治疗而切除全部或部分皮肤癌生长物.
  • Topical skin cancer therapy: 在癌前或癌变的皮肤区域使用药膏、凝胶或乳液.

Our expert team

我们的皮肤科医生在全国名列前茅. 我们照顾病人,进行研究和培训下一代皮肤科临床医生.

Contact us

Call 310-825-2631 要求预约皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的皮肤科医生或 310-206-7546 to book a cosmetic dermatology appointment.

Find your care

无论您是需要持续治疗还是想要改善您的外观,我们都可以提供帮助. Call 310-825-2631 for medical dermatology services and 310-206-7546 for cosmetic services.