
Our fellowship-trained cerebrovascular surgeons use the most sophisticated techniques to safely and effectively treat a variety of cerebrovascular conditions.



Receiving a diagnosis of cerebrovascular disease can be frightening, 你可能会有很多问题和担忧. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校理解这一点,我们在这里提供帮助. If you have a vascular disorder of the brain – also called a cerebrovascular disorder – where you go for treatment is crucial. These conditions require surgeons who have the skill and expertise to manage them effectively. And that’s exactly what you can expect from the UCLA cerebrovascular team.

The UCLA Neurology and 神经外科 programs have been consistently recognized by U.S. 皇冠hga025 & 世界报道 在全国名列前茅. Our dedication to ongoing research and advanced clinical trials means that you will have access to the most innovative treatments, 可用的技术和技术.


The cerebrovascular conditions we treat are complex and challenging, but they can be successfully managed in the skilled hands of our experienced neurosurgeons. When you choose UCLA for treatment of your cerebrovascular condition, you will find:

  • 合作审查个案: Our surgeons take a team approach to treating cerebrovascular diseases. This means that patients get the expertise of several top physicians weighing in on the best treatments and protocols.
  • 以病人为中心的护理我们的医护人员确保每位病人都得到最好的治疗, 针对他们的特殊情况进行个性化护理.
  • 创新的历史: Many of the lifesaving techniques and devices used worldwide in the treatment of cerebrovascular disease were pioneered at UCLA. 正在进行的研究, including clinical trials sponsored by the National Institutes of Health, allows us to continue to provide the best care and outcomes for our patients.
  • 先进的技术: Our team works with industry partners to help develop and test new tools and devices for the treatment of cerebrovascular disorders. That means we have early access to, and expertise with, the latest technology.
  • 高容量我们治疗的许多病症都很罕见, but we see among the highest volumes of these complex cases in the western United States. That means our surgeons have more advanced skills, leading to better outcomes for our patients.
  • 专家团队: Everyone on our staff – from our skilled neurosurgeons to our nurses and physical therapists – is experienced in caring for the specific needs of patients with complex cerebrovascular diseases. 每一步, patients get the specialized care they need throughout their recovery to help them return home sooner.


Our team of experts provides each patient with a comprehensive evaluation, 成像和其他诊断测试. 然后我们制定一个定制的治疗方案. 我们治疗的疾病包括:

  • 动脉瘤
  • 动静脉
  • 性烟雾
  • 硬脑膜动静脉瘘(DAVF)
  • 脊柱血管畸形
  • 慢性硬膜下血肿
  • 海绵状畸形
  • 颈动脉狭窄
  • 脑出血(ICH)
  • 蛛网膜下腔出血


Our skilled surgeons perform thousands of treatments every year on patients with a variety of cerebrovascular conditions. Depending on your diagnosis, possible treatments could include:

  • 显微外科: 当你需要脑部手术的时候, 我们能够定制我们的方法, using the latest technologies (including 3-D virtual reality) to make it safer and less invasive, 更快的恢复时间和更好的结果.
  • 血管内手术: We use minimally invasive endovascular techniques whenever possible. These include flow diversion, coiling, placement of stents and blockage of blood vessels into 动静脉畸形(AVM) 和肿瘤.
  • Micro-coiling: Small platinum wires called coils are placed into 动脉瘤 to seal them off. Coiling is sometimes performed with balloons or stents designed to hold coils in place. The Guglielmi detachable coils that are now standard for treating complex 动脉瘤 avm在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校得到了发展和完善.
  • 清醒脑外科: 使用一种叫做术中脑成像的技术, our surgeons are able to safely remove 动静脉 or cavernous malformations while patients are awake and responsive. This technique lets surgeons remove 动静脉 and cavernous malformations without damaging critical parts of the brain.
  • 搭桥手术: Our surgeons use direct and indirect bypass surgery in the treatment of 性烟雾病. During surgery, we measure intraoperative blood flow to help tailor the procedure for each patient. 我们也用搭桥手术来治疗一些动脉瘤.


Our neurosurgeons are leaders in research, education and clinical care. We collaborate closely with multiple subspecialists to provide comprehensive neurosurgical services.

When it comes to treating complex cerebrovascular conditions, 你的护理质量对你的结果至关重要. Our team of cerebrovascular neurosurgeons are all fellowship-trained in their specific areas of subspecialty. And because they have treated thousands of patients with these complicated – and sometimes rare – conditions, 他们有处理特殊案件的专业知识.


我们致力于提供协调一致的服务, hassle-free care so you can concentrate on your health — not on arranging health care. We treat one of the highest volumes of cerebrovascular patients in the western United States, and we have spent years creating a health care team that best addresses their needs. Our collaborative approach means that you get the benefit of several physicians from a variety of subspecialties consulting on your case, 不需要安排多个约会.


To schedule an appointment at the UCLA Cerebrovascular Program, please call 310-825-5111 or 点击这里预约.


Our expert team is skilled at treating complex cerebrovascular conditions and providing the finest and most comprehensive patient care. 如果需要找神经外科医生,请打电话 310-825-5111.